We're SO excited about their wedding in Maine - only 4 weeks away!!!
Kelly's beautiful dog, Ellie, joined for a bit and although she wasn't feeling well, she's very photogenic. They chose Meridian Hill Park for the location and we were pleased as it brings back fond memories of our very first wedding almost exactly 2 years ago.
We finished up the night with a delicious dinner at Napoleon Bistro in Adams Morgan. "Someone" enjoyed their food so much they licked the plate... I'll NEVER say who exactly.
As we were departing, we got to meet the new puppy 'formerly known as Monti'. She is the most spastic creature I've ever come across. She made us all laugh and I've been immitating her at home ever since - breathing feverishly , chasing Lionel, and shaking my body around frantically!! Sorry - no pics of Monti, she moves too fast for us to capture. Maybe at the wedding.
Here are some faves from the day: