Sometimes things are just right! Thats the way I felt after shooting Kathy and Ricks wedding. I continually thank my lucky stars because shooting weddings reminds me how much good there is out there. Of course my statement is based on super awesome couples, their amazing guests and the great vendors we get to meet! Kathy and Rick had their wedding at the classically stylish Morrison House in Old Towne. Flowers (stunning bouquet and cherry blossom arrangements) provided by the Enchanted Florist. The super yummy cake was courtesy of IndaRoma who came the their rescue at the last minute!
Today I played mama to a baby squirrel who apparently lost its mother. Tuesday on my way back from lunch I noticed a small crowd on the sidewalk in DC. As I got closer I heard oohs and aahs and then I saw the little guy.
He was seemingly unafraid of people but a little too complacent for a squirrel even of his size. I joined the bandwagon and took a few pics with my cell and Facebooked it. A cop passing by on his bike said he sees this all the time and that he's raised them before. He then casually picked him up, put him on his shoulder for a few minutes and then placed him on the tree. He struggled to climb halfway, then started crying. It was pretty sad but I had to get back into the office.
Later I sent the picture to Kristiaan who informed me if I really loved her I would have brought it home for HER (not to rescue but for HER :) ). I also got a few requests from Kristiaans co-workers to 'bring him home' as well.
Fast forward 2 days, on my way back he was out on the sidewalk posing, a little desperate to find someone to hold him. He was cautiously approaching those of us with our cellcams, trying to jump on our feet and climb. It just didnt seem right for such a baby to be out on its own, approaching people and without its mother. So when I got back in the office I decided to help, although I wasnt too sure how I would pull it off.
Lets just say this little guy, which we named Ichibi, (means one-tail in Japanese; a Naruto reference) had an interesting day. Having probably his first meal in a while in a Husky Xeroxcopy box (almonds, oats and water) waiting patiently for me to take him home. I can only imagine what the metro sounds were like for him, not to mention the 2 mile bike ride home.
Here is his first time out of the box after a long 3 hours.
After this he fell asleep in my hand for about 30 mins until Kristiaan got home.
She then drooled over him for a bit before we took him to a shelter that had other baby squirrels and a really nice couple to take care of him.
We so weren't ready to let him go but knew it was for the better.
Photographers Lionel Madiou and Kristiaan Lewis form a balanced team that excels both technically and artistically. For them photography is not just a hobby but a passion and a vehicle to express and challenge their creativity.