Before O'Connells however we drove out to the marina for a few shots, as in pictures :). Stay tuned for Marcus & Boupha's wedding on October 18th!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Marcus & Boupha - Esession
So this was our (Kristiaan and I) second round in Old Towne, this time with Marcus and Boupha who we met through Martha FitzSimon. Another great couple, as usual! We had a great time and got to know them both much better. We even stopped by O'Connells, an authentic Irish pub, at the end of the night for a beer and some more chit chat. Oddly enough, the seats we were sitting in were those from an actual 200+ year old confessional! Upstairs they had a pulpit as well. Click to previous link to read more...
Before O'Connells however we drove out to the marina for a few shots, as in pictures :). Stay tuned for Marcus & Boupha's wedding on October 18th!

Before O'Connells however we drove out to the marina for a few shots, as in pictures :). Stay tuned for Marcus & Boupha's wedding on October 18th!