Monday, June 28, 2010

The right business....

This past weekend, Lionel and I took 9,234 photographs over 21 hours and 2 weddings in +/-100 degree heat. Afterwards we hobbled around with aching bodies and scratchy throats. But... on the way home Sunday night, we both agreed that it was A-MA-ZING - and as hot as it was, and as hard as we had worked, we wouldn't have traded it for anything. As we drove, we described our experiences, comparing when we each cried and what surprised us. We talked about our own wedding and what we loved most about the two weddings we had just witnessed.

The revelation struck us - once again - that the world is really not such a terrible place afterall - forget the 10 o'clock news! These families that we photograph are the real deal, and they are more abundant than anyone realizes. They are all special and unique, but the constant is that they feel just like our own families - love, support, laughter, teasing, joy, generosity, safety, connection, imperfection - humanity. They give me hope and they inspire me. I never knew that this is what we would discover through wedding photography. But it's precisely why we love what we do, and it's how we know we're in exactly the right business.

Oh, it's also pretty exciting to make awesome photographs. :-)

Jessica & Montrel 6/26/10

Jess & Jon 6/27/10