I take notes when first meeting a couple and then review them right before the wedding. For Jess and Jon, my notes said "the bridal party is really important" - we had no idea what that really meant until we found them in a field awaiting portraits. It's the way they were waiting that made us understand.... they were standing in a haphazard circle, about 15 of them, singing at the top of their lungs and waving tambourines around in earnest. Who does that? In 100+ degree heat??!! Like I said, magnificent.
While the celebrating was nearly savage in nature, the day was steeped in tradition too. After the signing of the Ketubah, all the men joined Jon for a Tisch ("grooms table") and the ladies found a lovely grove for the Women's Circle. Apparently, the Tisch consisted of the men telling embarrassing stories and jokes. The women formed a circle around Jess and one by one, told her what they wished for her in her new life with Jon. Some were funny, some joyful, some emotional... all were heartfelt and it was very moving. Jess stood listening in the sunlight with tears streaming down her face. It was absolutely beautiful. Then came the Bedeken - all the men approached the women's circle with Jon and the Rabbi leading the way. They were singing so we could hear them coming. The circle parted and Jon approached her, grinning ear to ear. Following the tradition, he verified that this was indeed his bride and then pulled the veil over her face. The grinning, clapping and singing continued for a bit before the men departed.
The ceremony was equally moving and celebratory. The infamous bridal party danced down the aisle with ribbon-dressed tambourines. Guests were given mini tambourines which shook in agreement with each of the blessings. Speakers shared words of wisdom, support, and poetry. Guests held hands, cried, smiled, and laughed. Jess and Jon exchanged words, rings, a sip of wine, loving looks, and a kiss. Mazel tov!!
At the reception, lots of party music was the request but the DJ thought maybe it was too hot and that he might play some slower songs to give people a rest. After having witnessed that party in the field earlier, I assured him that this would not be the case. He found out for himself after the first song. The room was filled to capacity with people dancing like it was their last chance to dance ever again. We've seen some great parties and enthusiastic dancing but this may have edged out the competition.
Oh I almost forgot the food! As Jess and Jon are vegetarians, they served ALL vegetarian fare. Honestly it was phenomenal! I highly recommend their caterer. D-Licious!
I could go on and on but I'll get on with the photos now. I'm not sure they really do it justice, but you'll certainly get the idea. Please enjoy!
All our love to Jess and Jon, their wonderful families, and their amazing friends. Thanks for making us a part of this life-changing experience.
Venue: Woodend Sanctuary (Audubon Naturalist Society)
Caterer: Federal City Caterers
DJ: Steve Hoffman at GoodnoteDJ