Now onto their wedding...
It has been a long time coming, many Facebook conversations and jokes, plenty of Words with Friends games and many pleasant exchanges on email. We initially met Hilary and Chris through email, they were a traveling couple from San Diego looking to have their engagement pictures done in DC. It was definitely our earliest and more memorable sessions. Kristiaan and I spent a wonderful few days in San Diego staying with her good friends Amber from highshchool. We got to meet Hilary and Chris' super fun and friendly families (they even invited us to the bachelor/ette parties).
Their wedding day went off without a hitch, well minus the missing boutonnieres, I cant wait to hear where they found them. Some touching first dances, mini ketchup bottles, many laughs and smiles, some crazy fun dancing and a nice mini after wedding session at La Jolla beach. Then a quick dash back home so they could catch their flight to their wonderful honeymoon!
Only thing more we could have asked for was to stay and hang out longer!
Love you guys and wish you THE best!
And now for La Jolla...