Thursday consisted of a visit to the eco water park called Xcaret (pronounced Esh-kar-et). I have a surprise about this visit for you all but you will not get to see it until we get back. Well I decided I would make an effort to blog our daily activities so enjoy our little teaser pics:
1.Kristiaan checking out a menu at MadreTierra (Mother Earth) Seafood and Steak Grill.

2. Some inside decor of MadreTierra:

3. Xcaret - walking towards one of our destinations.

4. Xcaret - Highly ancient and sophisticated weather stone (more accurate than what our current weatherfolk use these days)

5. Xcaret - Believe it or not, this is just a check-in/get-your-equipment building:

6. Xcaret - Dolphin area

5. Xcaret - My beautiful model doing some promotional work:

6. Xcaret - One of the many cenotes access points:

7. Xcaret - Beach view

8. Xcaret - me

9. Xcaret - some good ole abstract

10. Xcaret - Parrots totally ignoring us.

11. Xcaret @ sunset